First Parish Church in Weston

Sunday Worship

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  • Regular Sunday Services - 10:30 am
    Click here for a description of our worship services

  • Festival Sundays (Thanksgiving, Sunday before Christmas, and Easter) - Usually at 10:30 am but check the church calendar in case two services being held

  • Special Services: held on the high holidays such as the Interfaith Thanksgiving, special Christmas time services, Holy week, and others as announced in the Parish Post

  • Summer Sundays (mid-June through Labor Day Weekend) - 10:30 am. Summer services are held jointly with The Congregational Church of Weston, with services at First Parish through July and then at the Congregational Church (130 Newton Street, Weston) through Labor Day

  • Adult Education
    Periodic adult education classes are held on Sundays before or after church. Check the Parish Post for the schedule.

Church School:

For children of all ages, infants and toddlers through eight grade, the church school is held in the Religious Education wing, concurrently with the adult service, 10:30 am to 11:50 am weekly.

High School students are encouraged to volunteer as Classroom Aides to work with adult teachers in leading church school classes on Sunday morning. Volunteer credit hours are granted and scheduling is flexible. Please contact DFM Chris Scheller if interested in participating.

Created: Sep 25, 2000   |   Modified: Aug. 28, 2017