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Thank you for using this form to make your commitment. Either use the Submit button at the bottom, or print the filled-out form and send it to the church office, 349 Boston Post Road, Weston, MA 02493.
There are many ways to fulfill this commitment. You can put cash (with name) or check in the collection plate on Sunday mornings. You can mail check(s) or money order(s) payable to “First Parish Church in Weston” to the church office, attention Parish Administrator (be sure the name on your check or money order matches what is on this form so your contribution gets properly credited). You can make the payment in the form of stock, using these stock transfer instructions. You can make a grant through a donor advised fund or IRA distribution or set up regular automatic payments through your banking institution.
Questions? Contact Betsy Gibson in the church office:
781-893-7798 or
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