First Parish Church in Weston

Children / Youth Music Program

Children's Choir Children's Choir Choir Carolers

Church School

Our Philosophy

Infants - Kindergarten

Grades 1 - 4

Grades 5-6

Grades 7-8

Church School Calendar

Outreach Projects



Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth;
break forth into joyous song and sing praises!
– Psalm 98:4
The children's music program at First Parish Church aims to provide students with an environment in which to learn skills in music, performance, and leadership while finding fellowship with their peers, developing their love of music, and offering a blessing of music to the rest of the congregation through their song!

Junior Choir
Junior Choir members learn basic musical skills, such as: rhythm, melody, basic harmony, memorization, and singing in one and two parts. We work on musical style and confidence, performing in church and acting as leaders during classroom and chapel singing.

  • Open to grades 1-5
  • Rehearsals on Sundays, 9:30 am in the Sears Chapel
  • Sing as a group (with solo opportunities) in family worship services throughout the year


Meet Director Gwen Coburn . . .
I am thrilled to be the director for the Junior Choir and encourage any and all potential choir members to come check out the choirs – it's going to be a great year!

My own musical career began in the First Parish Junior Choir. So I know firsthand the benefits of being a part of this great community. If a child enjoys music and loves to sing (whether in a choir or in the car), this is a great place to further musicality, gain confidence, and sing some fun music. I look forward to meeting you!

Contact Gwen

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Created: Sep 25, 2000   |   Modified: Aug. 20, 2015