First Parish Church in Weston

Infants - Kindergarten

Infants and Toddlers
Childcare is provided in Room 2 by experienced, paid staff and/or volunteerson Sunday mornings, 10:00 am until noon. We hope families will feel comfortable in our welcoming, fun atmosphere.

The goals of both our Preschool and Kindergarten level programs are:

  • To respect the innate spirituality of young children
  • To encourage curiosity and imagination in experiencing the mystery and joy of God.

We accomplish this through simplre worship themes and prayer activities as well as integrated class outreach projects.

Preschool & Kindergarten
We hope to respect the innate spirituality of young children and to encourage their curiosity and imagination as they experience the joy and mystery of God!

A staff member or volunteer will spend Sunday mornings with little ones playing games, doing seasonal crafts, singing songs, and telling stories. We will provide a simple snack, and, if weather permists, supervised outdoor playtime.

We encourage young children to develop values of generosity, sharing, and care for others through fun and easy outreach projects, such as panting bulbs for the Roxbury-Weston Preschool or making holiday cards for seniors and veterans.

Learn more about VOLUNTEERING with Church School or REGISTERING ONLINE for our programs.
You can also view our PARENT GUIDELINES.

Church School

Our Philosophy

Infants - Kindergarten

Grades 1-4

Grades 4-5

Grade 7-8

Church School Calendar

Outreach Projects



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Created: Sep 25, 2000   |   Modified: Aug. 28, 2017