First Parish Church in Weston
Student Registration and Parent Permission/Volunteer Sign-up Form

Parent/Guardian Name(s):


City: State: Zip Code:

E-Mail: Home Telephone:

Please note any special allergies (e.g.medicines, bee stings, foodstuffs, etc.) or medical problems that might require attention in the box below.

Child(ren)'s Name(s)
Date of Birth
Current Grade*
Allergies/Medical Conditions

*Please indicate above if child is younger than Nursery School level (ages 3 & 4) and will be using our Infant/Toddler Childcare (paid staff supervision) so we can plan for proper coverage

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I give permission for my child(ren):

to attend all scheduled Church School field trips.

I will receive prior notification of each specific trip, including date, time, chaperones, driver, and destination

I understand that parents and/or teachers will accompany every group and arrange for transportation

I am aware that effort will be made to contact me, through home/emergency telephone numbers, in case of illness or accident involving my child(ren). However, if it is necessary for a physician/nurse to attend to my child(ren) before I can be reached, I authorize such emergency medical attention as needed at my expense.

I am aware that The First Parish Church in Weston has insurance providing protection in a variety of circumstances, and that a copy of the policy is kept in the Church Office should I wish to see it.

Church School Photo & Video Policy:

Unless you opt out below, First Parish may take photos and/or videos of students at First Parish Church events and publish those photos, with name identification, internally (e.g. in the e-Post or on-site digital display screens). We will NOT publish identifiable photos of students, or any contact information, externally (e.g. on the FPCW website or in the Weston Town Crier) without prior notification and specific permission from a parent.

Photo and Video Opt-Out – I do not give permission for The First Parish Church in Weston to take photos/videos of my child(ren) at First Parish Church events and use those photos for publication internally or externally.

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Volunteers are not only what makes our programs special – they are what makes our program possible!
Know that the time and talent you offer makes a significant difference in the lives of the children in our congregation. Thank you!

Please indicate below which opportunities interest you:

Teacher –Kindergarten through Grade 6 classes run weekly on Sundays. Our uniquely designed First Parish curriculum has engaging, easy-to-follow lesson plans for every class.

Church School Photographer –We always need more high quality photos for publication on our website, our newsletters, and our digital display boards.

Special Events – Support family fellowship events like Pancake Breakfast, Christmas Pageant, or Ladies’ Spring Tea.

Outreach Projects– Support outreach projects and service events for our Church School students and families like Habitat for Humanity work days, UU Urban Ministry’s “Beyond Shelter” party, or various collection drives throughout the year.

Other – Tell us what skills you'd like to offer

Contact Chris Scheller, Director of Family Ministries

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Created: Mon, Aug 18, 2008 | Modified Aug. 26, 2015