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First Parish Church Program CommitteesCommittee group

Committees are the lifeblood of the church, dealing with everything from facilities to finances, gardens to gallery, outreach to denominational affairs. If you would like to serve on a committee, call the Nominating Committee chair through the church office (781-893-7798) in November or December. Also see Adhoc Committees and Informal Committees That Give Reports to the Standing Committee

Standing Committee - The governing body of the Church. It deals with property, financial and legal matters. Meets 2nd Tuesday of each month

Music Committee - Facilitates musical activities within the Church, particularly the choir. Also responsible for the upkeep of the instruments. Meets as needed, approximately 4 times/year.

Committee for Adult Ministry and Programs (CAMP) - Assists with worship activities, fellowship, and adult education. Meets as needed.

Committee for Children's & Youth Ministries (CCYM) - Deals with activities regarding children of the Parish. General supervision over Church School

Denominational Affairs Committee - Link between our church and and relationships with other institutions, including the Unitarian Universalist Association. It provides support for our partner church in Torda, Transylvania (Romania) and various ecumenical bodies. Meets as needed.

Facilities Committee - Responsible for the upkeep of the tangible property of the Church, including the Hanson Memorial Garden and the two parsonages. Meets as needed.

Outreach Committee - Coordinates our support to various organizations promoting social responsibility and service to a world in need. Meets once a month.

Stewardship Committee - Organizes and raises pledges and contributions to support teh financial needs of the Church. Meets as needed.

Membership Committee - Creates a vehicle for prospective members to learn about the Church. This is done in a variety of ways, in pictorial directory, open houses, and a membership table in the breezeway of the church. Meets as needed..

Parish Historians - Provides a vital service in keeping our church history documented and available and are a valuable resource for the town. Meets as needed.

Flower Committee - Provides altar flowers and seasonal decorations.

Nominating Committee - Responsible for connecting members to committees. Meets as needed, primarily in November through February.

Intern Committee - Provides feedback to ministerial intern. Meets as needed.

Library Committee - Maintains the library. Meets as needed.

Pastoral Callers - Provides assistance to the ministers in coping with the needs of the congregation. Meets as needed.

Committees Appointed by the Standing Committee

Art [Gallery] Committee
Purpose: “The mission of The Gallery At First Parish is to add another dimension to the spiritual fabric of our lives by exhibiting the work of visual artists who seek to contribute to a deeper understanding of the human condition.”
[SC 9/12/2000; cf. 6/1/99]

Finance Committee
Purpose: Handles certain financial and business by delegation from the Standing Committee. Consists of a chair, the SC chair, the Treasurer-Collector and a member of each the Stewardship Committee and Facilities Committee. [SC 2/2005]

Committee on Ministry
Purpose: “to strengthen the quality of the mutual ministry of the laity and the ordained ministers. The Committee serves as a sounding board and advisory group for the ordained ministers, and as an auxiliary communication channel between the ordained ministers and between the ordained ministers and the congregation. It does not displace direct communication between the ordained ministers or between individual members of the congregation and the ordained ministers, but provides, as needed, a forum for focused discussions regarding such communications. The Committee will meet approximately every other month during the church year, with an agenda for each meeting so that, during the course of a year, a variety of topics regarding the ministry of the church and the relationship of the ministers to each other and between the ministers and the congregation will be reviewed. The Committee will consist of the ordained ministers and three lay leaders, including the current Chair of the Standing Committee and two other members of the congregation. These two members, who typically will be prior Chairs of the Standing Committee, will be appointed to the Committee by the current Chair of the Standing Committee and the ordained ministers, and affirmed by vote of the Standing Committee, and shall serve a term not longer than that of the Chair of the Standing Committee.” [SC 6/12/2001]

Investment Management Committee
Purpose: Advise the Treasurer and Standing Committee about investment policies and management. Established by By-Laws but appointed annually by the SC.

Personnel Advisory Committee
Purpose: to advise the Senior Minister and Standing Committee on personnel issues and policies. Originally its membership was to include the current and past SC chairs and the Treasurer, with the Sr. Minister and former chair of the Search committee as ex officio members. At the 6/12/2001 SC meeting the composition of the committee was modified to lessen the time commitments imposed on the past SC chairs, such that “the Personnel Advisory Committee shall comprise the Treasurer-Collector, ex officio, and such other members of The First Parish Church in Weston as are appointed by the Standing Committee. [SC 12/16/1997]

Web Site Committee
Purpose: responsible for reviewing, editing and updating the Church’s web site. [SC 2/8/2005; cf 4/28/1999]

Informal Committees That Give Reports to the Standing Committee

Christmas Supper Committee: members chosen by Nominating Committee; reports to Senior Church Committee.

Safety Committee
Established by Tom Wintle to formulate safety policies (personal safety relating to the building as well as persons)

Officer/Committee Rosters

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