First Parish Church in Weston

First Parish Church — Public calendar


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January  2020
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February  2020
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March  2020
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Saturday, February 1, 2020

Wedding of Allison Peters  
    4:00 PM, Sears Chapel

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Choir Rehearsal  
    9:30 - 10:15 AM, Sanctuary

Sunday Morning Worship & Winter Wonders Program for Children & Youth  
    10:30 AM, Sanctuary
-   A time of refreshment and fellowship will follow in the Parish Hall
-   All are welcome!

Memorial Service for Biz Paynter  
    2:00 PM, Sanctuary

Reception following Memorial Service for Biz Paynter  
    3:00 PM, Parish Hall

Monday, February 3, 2020

Knitters & Stitchers Drop-In  
    12:00 noon, Parlor
-   First Parishioners and friends gather at noon in the parlor most Mondays for conversation and creative handwork, including the knitting of prayer shawls given to others in times of stress that they may be surrounded by the love of God and of First Parish. They also create many items for children in need.

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Senior Men's Lunch  
    12:00 noon, Library
-   Pack a bag lunch and come to enjoy good company and conversation

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Morning Meditation  
    8:30 AM, Sears Chapel
-   Give yourself the gift of cultivating peace of mind with a community of fellow practitioners. The format begins with a quick lesson or "thought of the day," followed by silent meditation, with guidance and instruction suitable for beginning and advanced meditators. The group meditation ends at 9:15 am for those who need to leave and is followed by an informal time for Q&A and discussion.

FPCW' McMullen-Rush Speaker Series – Pam Wilmot, Executive Director of Common Cause  
Status of Our Democracy and Campaign Finance Reform
    7:00 PM, Parish Hall
-   Pam Wilmot is the Executive Director of Common Cause Massachusetts, a post she has held since 2002, as well as from 1989-1993. She is responsible for leading democracy reform efforts statewide, as well as serving as a lobbyist and managing Common Cause’s Boston office. Pam has been an advocate for government reform and consumer and environmental issues for over 20 years. She is a frequent commentator on Massachusetts public affairs. Pam also has worked for Rhode Island and Mass PIRG, the Massachusetts and Rhode Island Bottle Bill campaigns, Connecticut Citizens Action Group, and the Wisconsin Citizens Utility Board. She is a graduate of Brown University, Northeastern University School of Law, and Smith College School for Social Work.

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Choir Rehearsal  
    8:00 PM, Sanctuary

Sunday, February 9, 2020

High School Youth Group  
    9:00 - 10:15 AM, Youth Room

Choir Rehearsal  
    9:30 - 10:15 AM, Sanctuary

Sunday Morning Worship & Winter Wonders Program for Children & Youth  
    10:30 AM, Sanctuary
-   A time of refreshment and fellowship will follow in the Parish Hall
-   All are welcome!

Soup on Sunday during Fellowship Hour  
    11:30 AM, Parish Hall

Forum: Creating Safer and More Welcoming Faith Communities  
    11:45 AM, Parlor
-   A representative from PFLAG Boston will join us

Monday, February 10, 2020

Knitters & Stitchers Drop-In  
    12:00 noon, Parlor
-   First Parishioners and friends gather at noon in the parlor most Mondays for conversation and creative handwork, including the knitting of prayer shawls given to others in times of stress that they may be surrounded by the love of God and of First Parish. They also create many items for children in need.

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Morning Meditation  
    8:30 AM, Sears Chapel
-   Give yourself the gift of cultivating peace of mind with a community of fellow practitioners. The format begins with a quick lesson or "thought of the day," followed by silent meditation, with guidance and instruction suitable for beginning and advanced meditators. The group meditation ends at 9:15 am for those who need to leave and is followed by an informal time for Q&A and discussion.

Bible Study For Normal People - Exploring Justice: The Ten Commandments  
    7:00 PM, Library
-   Join Jeff Barz-Snell for this six-session series produced by The Rev. Anne Robertson of the Massachusetts Bible Society
-   In a unique blend of Bible, history, and culture, this curriculum helps small groups discuss current justice issues through the lens of the Ten Commandments.
-   First Parish piloted two other Bible study curriculums a few years ago with great participation

Thursday, February 13, 2020

FPCW Book Group  
    9:30 AM, Parlor
-   We'll discuss "Leadership in Turbulent Times" by Doris Kearns Goodwin

Choir Rehearsal  
    8:00 PM, Sanctuary

Sunday, February 16, 2020

Choir Rehearsal  
    9:30 - 10:15 AM, Sanctuary

Sunday Morning Worship  
    10:30 AM, Sanctuary
-   A time of refreshment and fellowship will follow in the Parish Hall
-   All are welcome!

Monday, February 17, 2020 - Friday, February 21, 2020

Roxbury Weston Preschool Closed for February Break  

Monday, February 17, 2020

Knitters & Stitchers Drop-In  
    12:00 noon, Parlor
-   First Parishioners and friends gather at noon in the parlor most Mondays for conversation and creative handwork, including the knitting of prayer shawls given to others in times of stress that they may be surrounded by the love of God and of First Parish. They also create many items for children in need.

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Morning Meditation  
    8:30 AM, Sears Chapel
-   Give yourself the gift of cultivating peace of mind with a community of fellow practitioners. The format begins with a quick lesson or "thought of the day," followed by silent meditation, with guidance and instruction suitable for beginning and advanced meditators. The group meditation ends at 9:15 am for those who need to leave and is followed by an informal time for Q&A and discussion.

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Choir Rehearsal  
    8:00 PM, Sanctuary

Sunday, February 23, 2020

High School Youth Group  
    9:00 - 10:15 AM, Youth Room

Choir Rehearsal  
    9:30 - 10:15 AM, Sanctuary

Sunday Morning Worship  
    10:30 AM, Sanctuary
-   A time of refreshment and fellowship will follow in the Parish Hall
-   All are welcome!

Soup on Sunday during Fellowship Hour  
    11:30 AM, Parish Hall

Monday, February 24, 2020

Knitters & Stitchers Drop-In  
    12:00 noon, Parlor
-   First Parishioners and friends gather at noon in the parlor most Mondays for conversation and creative handwork, including the knitting of prayer shawls given to others in times of stress that they may be surrounded by the love of God and of First Parish. They also create many items for children in need.

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Ash Wednesday  

Morning Meditation  
    8:30 AM, Sears Chapel
-   Give yourself the gift of cultivating peace of mind with a community of fellow practitioners. The format begins with a quick lesson or "thought of the day," followed by silent meditation, with guidance and instruction suitable for beginning and advanced meditators. The group meditation ends at 9:15 am for those who need to leave and is followed by an informal time for Q&A and discussion.

Bristol Lodge Supper Prep & Serving  
    3:00 PM
-   We start prep in the FPCW Kitchen at 3:00 pm, leave for Waltham at 4:30 to serve at 5:00 pm. Back at First Parish by 6:00 pm. If you would like to participate in this longstanding service project, contact Mary Menino. Children and youth are always welcome to lend a hand to help others!

Bible Study For Normal People - Exploring Justice: The Ten Commandments  
    7:00 PM, Library
-   Join Jeff Barz-Snell for this six-session series produced by The Rev. Anne Robertson of the Massachusetts Bible Society
-   In a unique blend of Bible, history, and culture, this curriculum helps small groups discuss current justice issues through the lens of the Ten Commandments.
-   First Parish piloted two other Bible study curriculums a few years ago with great participation

Thursday, February 27, 2020

Choir Rehearsal  
    8:00 PM, Sanctuary

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