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Chris Scheller
Director of Family Ministries

I feel very blessed to be the new Director of Director of Family Ministries at First Parish Church in Weston. I am inspired by your Church's community, your worship, and your wonderful Christian education and faith development programs.

I bring a deep love for working with children, youth, and families in the shared task of growing our faith and journeying together in fellowship and service. This calling led me to attend Harvard Divinity School, where I graduated in 2009 with a Master of Divinity degree. I have more than ten years of experience in faith development ministry for all ages, the last five of which were in Unitarian Universalist churches. I was a minister in training at the Unitarian Church of Sharon, with a focus on religious education and lifespan learning. I also led the Senior Youth Group at the Unitarian Church of Sharon for five years, and was leading religious education at the Groton and Karuna Schools, as well. Most recently, I led the Sunday morning, youth group, and family religious education programming at First Parish Sudbury.   

Even more, I have been fascinated all my life by the unique ways that God leads us all on our life journeys, with our varying stories, beliefs, and doubts. I am deeply committed to the values of freedom, reason, and tolerance in religious education. I also believe that our religious heritage, the Christian stories and worship we share together, can inspire a deep love and faith, and an important foundation in our busy modern world, regardless of where our journeys lead us. As we worship together and learn the stories of our religious ancestors, it invites us to think about our own stories and our own times with fresh eyes, renewed in our values and commitments.

We have a fun and exciting year ahead, and I hope you will be a part of it and bring a friend too! If you are interested in volunteering as a teacher or helper in our religious education program, please contact me directly at to let me know. I hope you will email or come find me with any questions. I will do my best to support you, of whatever age, in your own unique journey and faith formation.

I look forward to journeying with you together,

– Chris Scheller

Chris Scheller joined the First Parish staff as Director of Family Ministries in September 2017.

Click here to e-mail Chris

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Created: Sep 2, 2000   |   Modified: Mon, Sept. 25, 2017