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A Form of ye Covenant assented to by ye young people--March 12, 1720-21

You do thankfully acknowledge ye Divine goodness towards you, that you have bin by ye act of Your Parents dedicated to God and have had ye Seal of his Covenant put upon you in your Baptism & by their pious care Educated in ye Christian Religion, do now willingly Ratify their Act, and Solemnly chuse ye Lord--(Father, Son & Holy Ghost, into ye profession of whose name you have bin Baptised) for your God & portion.

And professing a serious belief of ye Sacred Scriptures as ye word of God you resolve by his grace to take them for ye Rule of your Lives. to guide & govern both your Faith & practice, renouncing all that you know to be contrary to his revealed will.

You depend upon ye Lord Jesus Christ ye Mediator of ye Covenant for Righteousness & Strength--that you may be pardoned & accepted with God, and may be enabled to walk in Sincere obedience before him.

You do also Subject yourselves to ye Government of Christ in his Church, and to ye regular Administration of it in this Church while his providence shall continue you here.

Covenants of First Parish Church in Weston:   1709   1720   1741   1867   1884   1984

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Modified: Mon, Nov 6, 2006