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Adopted 1709


First, Having perused the Confession of Faith put forth by the last Synod of Churches, held in Boston in New England, we do heartily close in with it for the Substance of it, and promise to stand by, maintain, and if need be, contend for ye Faith therein delivered to ye People of God, and if any one of us shall go about to undermine it, we will bear a due Testimony against them.

We do also combine to walk together as a particular Church of Christ, according to all those Holy rules of ye Gosple prescrib'd to Such a Society, so farr as God has revealed, or shall reveall his mind to us in the Respect.

We do accordingly recognize the Covenant of Grace, in which we do professedly acknowledge ourselves devoted to ye fear and Service of the only true God our Supream Lord, and to ye Lord Jesus Christ the High Priest, Prophet & King of his Church, unto the conduct of whose Spirit we Submit ourselves, and on whom alone we rely for pardon Grace and Glory; to whom we bind ourselves in an Everlasting Covenant never to be broken.

We likewise give up ourselves one unto another in the Lord, resolving by his help to cleave to each other, as fellow members of one Body in brotherly Love and holy Watchfulness over one another, for mutual Edification, and to Submit ourselves to all the Holy administrations appointed by him who is the head of his Church, dispensed according to the Rules of the Gosple, and to give our constant attendance on all the publick ordinances of Christ's Institution, walking orderly as becometh Saints.

We do also acknowledge our Posterity to be included with us in the Gosple Covenant, and blessing God for so rich a favour, do promise to bring them up in the nurture and admonition of ye Lord, with greatest care.

Further we promise to be carefull to ye uttermost to procure the Settlement and continuance among us of all ye offices and officers appointed by Christ, the chief Shepherd, for the edification of his church and accordingly to do our duty faithfully for their maintenance and encouragement, and to carry it towards them as becomes us.

Finally, we do acknowledge, and promise to preserve communion with the faithfull Churches of Christ, for the giving and receiving mutuall Counsell and assistance, in all cases wherein it shall be needfull.

Now the Good Lord be mercifull unto us, and as he hath put it into our hearts thus to devote ourselves to him, Let him pity and pardon our frailties, humble us out of all carnall confidence, and keep it forevermore upon our hearts to be faithfull to himself and one to another, for his Praise, and our Eternall Comfort, for Christ Jesus sake, to whom be Glory for ever & ever, Amen.

Covenants of First Parish Church in Weston:   1709   1720   1741   1867   1884   1984

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Modified: Tue, Dec 26, 2006