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Rev. Dr. Thomas D. Wintle: Minister's Pick of Past Sermons

Copyright, © Thomas D. Wintle, Senior Minister of The First Parish Church in Weston

Tom Wintle's Book & Contents

In 2010, three series of Rev. Dr. Wintle's sermons were published in Hear, Pray, Affirm: Thee Essentials for Liberal Christian Formation by The Unitarian Universalist Christian Journal.

From the foreward of the book by Rev. Kathleen C. Rolenz, President 2008-1010, Unitarian Universalist Christian Fellowship:
Over the course of his ministry, [Dr. Wintle] has accumulated a body of work and thought that represents not only liberal Christian thought, but provides for both laity and clergy alike, an opportunity for deep spiritual reflection. We hope that you find rich meaning in this new edition of the Journal.

Copies of the book are available for $20.00 in the Office of The First Parish Church in Weston or we will be happy to mail out copies (please add $5.00 S & H) upon request.

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The UUA published a pamphlet giving several UU views of Jesus, including one by Tom Wintle. Click here to access it.

- A BRIEF THEOLOGY OF BAPTISM. The lessons were Matthew 3:11-17, Galatians 3:23-29, and Matthew 28:16-20.
- ANNUAL REPORT SERMON 2000. The scripture readings were Isaiah 40:21-31 and I Corinthians 9:16-23.
Delivered at the 300th Anniversary Candlelight Vespers service on November 15, 1998. The scripture readings were Hebrews 11 and Luke 20:27-38.
- OUR WAY OF WORSHIP. The scripture readings were Jeremiah 7:1-7 and John 4:5-30.

- CELEBRATING THE WOMEN'S GROUPS OF FIRST PARISH. The scripture readings were Acts 9:36-43 and John 10:22-30.
- ANNUAL REPORT SERMON 2012 . The scripture reading was I Corinthians 12:4-7 and 12:27-13:5
- ANNUAL REPORT SERMON 2015. The scripture readings were Colossians 3:12-17 and Matthew 18:15-20.
- THE SECRET ECUMENICAL CHURCH. The gospel was Luke 24.13-35.
WHAT DID YOU DO ON YOUR SABBATICAL, TOM? The scripture readings were Acts 2.1-27 and Mark 6.30-34.

- WHAT IS GOD? The scripture readings were Exodus 3:1-14 and Acts 17:22-31.
- IS GOD FAIR? The scripture readings were Isaiah 55:2-9 and Mark 6:30-44.
- THE COURAGE OF THE ATHEIST. The lessons were Psalm 14 and Acts 17:22-28.
- ENCOUNTERING THE HOLY: THE MYSTERIUM TREMENDUM. The scripture readings were Isaiah 6:1-8 and Luke 3:1-18.

- THE GRACE OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST. The readings were: II Corinthians 13:5-14 and Revelation 22:6-21.
- WHAT IS A CHRISTIAN? The scripture readings were Acts 11:19-26 and Matthew 7:1-12, 21-28.
- WORLD RELIGIONS AND US. The readings were Acts 5:27-39 and Matthew 21:23-32.

- THE MOST IMPORTANT THING. The scripture reading was Luke 15:1-10.
- THIN PLACES. The scripture readings were: Exodus 3:1-5, Psalm 103, and John 14:15-21.
- GOD IS NOT SANTA CLAUS: A MODEST THEOLOGY OF PRAYER. Lessons were I Kings 19:4-13, Psalm 38, and Philippians 4:6-9.
- WHAT IS PRAYER? The lessons were Acts 3:17-26 and Matthew 6:5-15.

- RACISM. The lessons were: Genesis 1:26-31 and Luke 12:35-48.
- THERE ARE NO WORDS: Reflections on the Terrorist Attacks of September 11, 2001. The scripture readings were Romans 8:31-39, Psalm 46, and John 14:1-7.
- DESMOND TUTU AND THE MIRACLE OF SOUTH AFRICA. The scripture readings were II Corinthians 5:16-21 and John 1:35-42.
- TO TAKE A DEEP BREATH: Reflections on Our Response to September 11th, 2001. The scripture readings were I Timothy 2:1-8, Psalm 51 and Luke 15:1-10.
- GAY WEDDINGS? The scripture lessons were Mark 7:24-37 and Mark 9:30-37.
- EFFECTIVE LIFE MANAGEMENT. A sermon delivered by the Rev. Dr. Thomas D. Wintle and Suzanne Wintle, Massachusetts Teacher of the Year for 2006. The lessons were Deuteronomy 6:1-7 and Mark 4:1-20.
- WHERE DOES PEACE BEGIN? The scripture readings were II Corinthians 5:16-21 and John 14:21-27.
- TO BIGOTRY NO SANCTION, TO PERSECUTION NO ASSISTANCE. The scripture readings were Acts 19:11-20 and Matthew 5:389-48.
- THOUGHTS ON ISLAMIST EXTREMISTS. The scripture lesson was Matthew 22:35.

- REPORT FROM ROMANIA: The scripture readings were: Acts 2:1-11 and I Corinthians 12:4-13.

MY LAST SERMON: My Favorite Biblical Text for Retirement/Favorite Song for Retirement/ Favorite Part of Ministry/ Candidate for president/ Democrat/Gospel/ Poet/Public Prayer/Movie/ /Parishioner/”. The scripture reading was John 3:25-36.

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Created: Sep 2, 2000   |   Modified: Mon, Sep 3, 2007