First Parish Church in Weston

Stewardship &
Online Commitment Form

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The All-Parish Project

Each year since 2003-2004, The First Parish Church in Weston has had the custom of finding, funding, and finishing a special project that has the potential to change us and change the world. "All-Parish" means all of us –
children as well as adults.

2016-2017 & 2017-2018 – Conversations On Race - Learning About White Privilege and Ways to Become Allies in the Fight Against Racism

2015-2016 – Engaging the FPCW Congregation in the Mission of the UU Urban Ministry

2014-2015 - Building Relationships of Love and Respect

2013-2014 - Weston 300 (continued)

2012-2013 - Weston 300

2010-2011 - AllGEN! – All Generations United at First Parish

2009-2010 - Neighbors Helping Neighbors

2008-2009 - First Parish Green

2007-2008 - Sister Church in Torda, Romania

2006-2007 - Sister Church in Torda, Romania

2005-2006 - The Newton-Wellesley-Weston Committee for Community Living

2004-2005 - The Unitarian Universalist Urban Ministry

2003-2004 - Waltham's Bristol Lodge Family Shelters