First Parish Church in Weston

New Individual Key Request

Use this form to request a key for yourself, as an individual, to access restricted resources at this site.
The Submit button below will send email to the Key Administrator with your request.

This form is not needed if you are a member of a group aleady authorized.

Use your real Name, e.g., "Alice R. Jones," not a computer id.
  - For a suffix not in the list, put it at the end of the last name preceded by ", " (comma space).
  - If this new user is an administrative position, rather than you personally,
    leave the first-name field blank (so the names will alphabetize properly).
You can change your Password at any time.
Do not make the password Hint too obvious. It can be seen by anyone trying to impersonate you.
You can ask for any Keys, but the Key Administrator will decide which should be issued to you.


  First (and Middle Initial)
Password:   . . . type it again . . . 
Key(s): admin
Which keys do you need? See the list below

Please tell the Key Administrator briefly why you need this access:


  The keys permit the following restricted activities:

  Key  Restricted Activities  
  admin  Edit allgen  
  Edit church school  
  Edit parishioner event  
  Edit public event  
  Edit reservation  
  View reservation  
  any-person  View site map  
  calendar-manager  Edit allgen  
  Edit church school  
  Edit committee meeting  
  Edit parishioner event  
  Edit public event  
  Edit reservation  
  Manage calendar  
  View committee meeting  
  View reservation  
  church-events  Edit public event  
  View reservation  
  committee  View committee meeting  
  committee-chair  Edit committee meeting  
  View committee meeting  
  View reservation  
  content  Edit news headline  
  Set up forms  
  View advanced usage  
  View file metadata  
  View site files  
  key-administrator  Authorize access  
  parishioner  View parishioner event  
  Visit parishioner corner  
  postmaster  View email actions  
  programmer  See debugging reports  
  View advanced usage  
  secret  See shared secret  
  webmaster  Edit configuration file  
  Install resource  
  Set up forms  
  View advanced usage  
  View external files  
  View file metadata  
  View site metadata  
  View technical information  

Help and information about this Key System, including privacy and use of personal information.

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