First Parish Church in Weston

Web Site Usage

October 16, 2024, 12:26 PM.   All items shown, in normal order.

Time of Day

Hour of the day of accesses since Nov 29, 2000
    All     Last    This
  Months   Month   Month      Hour          Earlier   Last   This
 ------- ------- -------  -------------  ----------------------------------
    7612                  12 AM -  1 AM  
    7298                   1 AM -  2 AM  
    7409                   2 AM -  3 AM  
    7241                   3 AM -  4 AM  
    5944                   4 AM -  5 AM  
    5325                   5 AM -  6 AM  
    5805                   6 AM -  7 AM  
    8233                   7 AM -  8 AM  
    7571                   8 AM -  9 AM  
    9028                   9 AM - 10 AM  
   10027                  10 AM - 11 AM  
    9780                  11 AM - 12 PM  
    9728                  12 PM -  1 PM  
    9804                   1 PM -  2 PM  
    9266                   2 PM -  3 PM  
    8560                   3 PM -  4 PM  
    8541                   4 PM -  5 PM  
    7955                   5 PM -  6 PM  
    7621                   6 PM -  7 PM  
    7917                   7 PM -  8 PM  
    9829                   8 PM -  9 PM  
   10153                   9 PM - 10 PM  
   10924                  10 PM - 11 PM  
    9118                  11 PM - 12 AM  
 ------- ------- -------
  200689       0       0   Total

      24       0       0   different items

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