First Parish Church in Weston

Web Site Usage

October 16, 2024, 12:17 PM.   All items shown, in normal order.

Month of Year

Home-page accesses by month of the year since Nov 29, 2000
   Years    2023    2024    Month       Earlier   2023   2024
 ------- ------- -------  ---------  ----------------------------------
   26470     265          January    
   25606     349          February   
   31570     285          March      
   31445     379          April      
   30851     336          May        
   29955     257          June       
   25441     226          July       
   24765     272          August     
   25612     405          September  
   26574     389          October    
   26002     908      26  November   
   29883     509     360  December   
 ------- ------- -------
  334174    4580     386   Total

      12      12       2   different items

(Current-month data incomplete)

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