First Parish Church in Weston

Web Site Usage

October 16, 2024, 2:58 PM.   All items shown, in normal order.

Date of Month

Date of the month of accesses since Nov 29, 2000
    All     Last    This
  Months   Month   Month  Date
 ------- ------- -------  ----
    6416                    1
    5710                    2
    5791                    3
    5736                    4
    5715                    5
    5877                    6
    6085                    7
    5873                    8
    5718                    9
    5572                   10
    5852                   11
    6107                   12
    5886                   13
    5915                   14
    5776                   15
    5597                   16
    5624                   17
    5712                   18
    5921                   19
    5763                   20
    5832                   21
    5723                   22
    5863                   23
    6089                   24
    5903                   25
    5806                   26
    5816                   27
    5502                   28
    5078                   29
    4970                   30
    3284                   31
 ------- ------- -------
  176512       0       0   Total

      31       0       0   different items

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